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Going Home: A Guide to Polish American Family History Research

The PUR Collection:
Examples of Documents:
Registration Lists of Repatriates and Resettlers


There are two types of records that are extremely valuable to the genealogist: Registration Lists and Town/Village Records (Ewidencje) of Repatriates and Resettlers. Both types of records may not be available for all powiaty. Furthermore, determining the type of record is not easy due to the various methods of cataloging the material at each of the State Archives.


Registration Lists of Repatriates and Resettlers.


In the Wrocław State Archives, they are usually catalogued as Ewidencja Repatriantów, (Record of Repatriates) while in Opole State Archives they are often listed as Księga Rejestracji Repatriantów i Przesiedleńców (Registration Book of Repatriates and Resettlers). These are sometimes referred to as Napływ Repatriantów i Przesiedleńców in the book Migracje ludności na ziemiach zachodnich i północnych w latach 1945-1950. However, the cataloging of the PUR material is not uniform, so this collection of Registration Lists can be disguised under different titles.

(Click on the image to make larger.)


As the Repatriates and Resettlers came to their new location, they had to register at an Assembly Point (Punkt Etapowy), usually the powiat center.

The lists are held separately for each Assembly Point. The lists, usually handwritten, were then bound in books. The forms are not standardized; they vary from month to month and from powiat to powiat. The information is usually found on pre-printed forms. This makes reading the information easy. However, I have often seen many lists on blank paper without the column headings and descriptions. Therefore, one should understand the types of information that can be included in the lists. The Registration Lists were created in the order that someone was registered.

Many of the bound books are indexed by the head of the family of the relocating group. These indexes are not strictly alphabetized, but rather, are kept by the first letter of the surname. The index was created only using the head of the family of the relocating group. Not all families were relocated at the same time. If members of a family traveled separately, the head of each traveling group would be processed separately in the Registration Lists and thus indexed separately. Therefore, you may find a father traveling with his children and the wife traveling separately with some uncles and aunts. In the indexes, you will find both the father’s name and the mother’s name since they traveled separately. If, however, they all traveled together, usually the father’s/husband’s name. The index will list only the first and last name with the entry number in the actual Registration Lists. This number corresponds to the line number of a ledger containing all the detailed information about that person and his/her traveling companions.

Often, the indexes and Registration Lists were written on the back side of used paper. Many of the pages are old memos and letters. While studying the Registration Lists for Oława Assembly Point, I discovered many of the pages were old Nazi memos, complete with swastika letterhead. Due to the upheaval of society following nearly 6 years of brutal war, any paper that could be found was used.

As the forms were not standardized, any of the pieces of information listed below may be provided. In addition, the pieces of information may be listed in different order.

Nr. Kolejny ewidencji (sometimes abbreviated as "N", or "Kol." or "L.P." The Line or Record Number
Nazwisko i imię Surname and First Name
Imiona rodziców Names Of Parents
Data urodzenia Date of Birth
Miejsce urodzenia (miejscowość i powiat) Place of Birth (locality and county).
Stan Cywilny Marriage Status
Repatriant lub przesiedleniec Repatriate or Resettler
Narodowość Nationality
Zawód Occupation
Data wyjazdu Date of Departure
Skąd przybył (wieś, powiat)(sometimes listed as Miejsce pobytu w kraju lub zagranicą) Place of Origin (village, county).
Data przybycia or Data przyjazdu Date of Arrival
Dokąd został skierowany (or Dokąd skierowano or simply Dokąd). Appointed Settlement
Data rejestrowania Date of Registration
Skąd wydana karta przesiedleńcza i Nr. Where was the Resettlement Card issued and Card Number

Nr. Kolejny ewidencji (sometimes abbreviated as "N", or "Kol." or "L.P."
The Line or Record Number
is important if an index is available. In some cases, I was able to find an index for some counties (powiaty). The index contains only the name of the head of household. The indexes are grouped together alphabetically by the first letter of the last name. Within each letter of the alphabet, the names are not strictly alphabetized. Next to each name is a number which corresponds to the Line Number in the Registration List.

Nazwisko i imię
Surname and First Name
. Although the head of the household is listed first for each family, surnames differing from the head of household will be listed. Be aware that the surnames are often spelled phonetically, and therefore, may be different than what you are familiar with.

                                    Dumanski may have been written as Dómanski.

                                    Frątkiewicz may have been written as Frontkiewicz.

                                    In both these cases, the variations in Polish are pronounced identically.

Sometimes, all children accompanying the head of family were listed. Sometimes, only children above the age of 16 are listed. In such cases, names of children under the age of 16 are not provided, but only a number count of such young children is listed.

Possible Polish terms found in the Lists:

Ilość czlonków rodziny Number Of Members In The Family
Ilość dzieci do lat 16 Number of Children up to the age of 16
Ilość dzieci Number of Children

Additionally, the relationship of each person to the head of household is often provided.  Here are some common Polish vocabulary regarding household relationships:

babcia grandmother
brat brother
bratanek nephew, brother’s son
bratanica niece, brother’s daughter
bratowa sister-in-law, brother’s wife
ciotka aunt
córka daughter
dziadek grandfather
kuzyn cousin (male)
kuzynka cousin (female)
macocha stepmother
matka mother
mąż husband
ojciec father
ojczym stepfather
pasierb stepson
pasierbica stepdaughter
siostra sister
siostrzenica niece, sister’s daughter
siostrzeniec nephew, sister’s son
stryj paternal uncle
stryjna aunt on father’s side
syn son
synowa daughter-in-law, son’s wife
szwagier brother-in-law
szwagierka sister-in-law
teść father-in-law
teściowa mother-in-law
wdowa widow
wdowiec widower
wnuczka granddaughter
wnuk grandson
wuj maternal uncle
wujna aunt by marriage, wife of your mother’s brother
zięć son-in-law
żona wife


Imiona rodziców
Names Of Parents.
Sometimes, only the father’s name was listed (in which case the heading would read
Imię ojca). Very rarely is the maiden name of the mother given.

Data urodzenia
Date of Birth.
Usually, only the year of birth was listed. This, however, is obviously in invaluable piece of information that can help distinguish ancestors. In some rare cases, I did find that a complete date of birth was provided in the document.

Miejsce urodzenia (miejscowość i powiat)
Place of Birth (locality and county).
Most of the times, only the year would be given for date of birth. However, I have found in some rare cases a full birth date. In some other records, I found only the age of the person given. Fortunately, the names of the villages are usually accompanied by the county in which they existed. This makes searching for specific villages much easier. Keep in mind, however, that there may be a mistake as to listing the correct powiat. In a couple of instances, I found villages listing not the correct powiat, but a neighboring one.

Repatriant lub przesiedleniec
Repatriate or Resettler.
This is the status or type of person being relocated. Repatriate (Repatriant sometimes abbreviated "R" or "Rep.") is an ethnic Pole who is coming from a region that was Poland before WWII, but which became the USSR after the war. Resettler (Przesiedleniec, sometimes abbreviated "P" or "
Prześ." or "Przesied.") is someone who is coming from another part of Poland. Sometimes, other classifications are listed:

Zwolniony z wojska Discharged from the army
Wraca z Niemiec Returning from Germany
Wojskowy Army/Military
Wojsk. Army
Z wojsk. From the army
Powrót z Niemiec Return from Germany
Wrócił z Niemiec Returned from Germany

This is usually listed as "Polska" or Polish.

This lists the occupation of all members in the family.

Data wyjazdu
Date of Departure.
This is the date when the person(s) left for the resettlement.

Skąd przybył (wieś, powiat)
(sometimes listed as Miejsce pobytu w kraju lub zagranicą)
Place of Origin (village, county).
This lists the village, and usually the powiat, from where the person came.

Data przybycia or Data przyjazdu
Date of Arrival.
The date when the person arrived, usually by train, to the relocation point.

Dokąd został skierowany (or Dokąd skierowano or simply Dokąd)
Appointed Settlement.
This is the destination of the person being resettled. The locality will be somewhere in the powiat of the Assembly Point. Sometimes, a street name was included for larger towns and cities. Other times, only a general description without a specific place name was provided, such as "koło Oławy” (near the city of Oława).

Data rejestrowania
Date of Registration.
This is the date that the person registered at the Assembly Point in the new home in the Western Territories. These Registration Lists were created as the people were processed. Therefore, you may not find all members of an extended family together. Furthermore, you will not find all people traveling from one village together.

Skąd wydana karta przesiedleńcza i Nr.
Where was the Resettlement Card issued and Card Number.
(Sometimes listed as Nr. Ewidencji, Record Number) This is a number on the person’s resettlement documents. I was not able to locate any of these documents in the State Archives. At both the Wrocław and Opole State Archives, I was told that these records were not preserved. Unfortunately, the people I met in the villages did not keep any such documents either.


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