The HalGal Database:

Search for the Greek Catholic church registers held at the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, city of Lviv (TsDIAL).

Viewed in Ukrainian Cyrillic and Transliterated Forms.



Search the HalGal Database to find out availability of your village's or parish's Greek Catholic church registers in both the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (TsDIAL) and on microfilm at the Family History Library.

Also, search the HalGal Database to find the spellings of your village or parish in Ukrainian Cyrillic and Ukrainian Transliteration.  (Based on TsDIAL's Greek Catholic Consistory Inventory.)  For more spelling variations, please visit the web page Gazetteers to learn about other reference materials.

For spellings in Polish (with proper Polish diacritic marks), please visit my corresponding Polish search page.  (Unfortunately, I am not able to display proper Polish and Ukrainian Cyrillic on the same results page.  Therefore, I must break the search into two for Polish and one for Ukrainian Cyrillic.)

The Simple Polish results is the Polish letters WITHOUT diacritic marks (accents, hooks and slashes).  Such markings are not simply special characters, but actually constitute different letters of the Polish alphabet!

There are two separate search methods:

Important Notes:

This list is by far NOT a complete listing of all villages in Galicia.  It is only a list of villages that are listed in the original TsDIAL's Greek Catholic Consistory Inventory.  Still, the best and most complete listing of all locations, including parish and administrative jurisdictions, in Galicia is The Genealogical Gazetteer of Galicia, by Brian Lenius. 

There is no exact way to determine how church records for your particular village may be organized.  However, you should consider the following procedure for looking up the records.

Finally, understand that this database is based on the catalog of TsDIAL.  I understand that there are many places with the same village name.  In some cases, the TsDIAL catalog lists the district of the particular village.  However, in many cases, no additional information is given on a particular common village name.  Therefore, all possibilities should be considered by the researcher. 

This search engine is now the ONLY way to easily determine the holdings and microfilm numbers of the Greek Catholic parish records!


Enter either the Polish spelling without diacritic markings (no hooks or slashes or dots), 

or you can enter the Ukrainian spelling in the transliteration system I've designed to avoid duplication while allowing for reverse conversion.  Visit my transliteration style page.  For searching this database, do NOT type apostrophe ( ' ) for the Ukrainian soft sign.

Then click "OK"!


For an explanation of the results, please consult my database help page.


Enter Village or Parish: